*Welcome back to Locally Grown! *

We hope our transition back to our original platform isn’t an inconvenience. To get started, Click sign-in to set up your account. If you are new, follow the instructions. If you shopped with us on this site before, you can enter your user name and password. If you can’t recall your user name contact Shawn at IFMmarketplace@gmail.com or Michelle at Independencefarmersmarket@gmail.com. and we can find it for you. Once you have your user name, you can reset your password. All your old account information is still there. Please double check all your information including your credit card on file just to be sure it’s up to date.
If you need a refresher, the information is here:

The Market opens for orders Wednesday at 8 pm and closes Monday at 8pm. Pick up is 4-6 at our office at 104 Court House Street.

Contact Shawn, the Online Market Manager, with any questions or concerns.

Cell: 860-484-9638
email: ifmmarketplace@gmail.com


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Patriotic star
Grower: Morningside Farm
Price: $16.50 ( 24” x 24” )
Available (Exact): 1

This patriotic star can hang in your home to display on holidays or just about anytime. Great way to show ... more
Pokey-the marking tool
Grower: Windy Hill Flower Farm
Price: $25.00 ( 1 )
Available (Exact): 2

You heard about pokey in the Grow more vegetable classes. If you don't want to make your own, you can ... more
Wood accent with faux plant
Grower: Morningside Farm
Price: $22.00 ( 1 )
Available (Exact): 1

This wood is walnut which came off a large tree from our little farm. It had a hole from where ... more